
We all know that people have personalities. But do organizations?

We can often see groups as having a personality. For example, we might think of one group as extraverted, and another as introverted. This applies to work teams, departments, organizations and even company brands.

The most researched personality model in the world, the Big Five, has been used to study how we perceive each other. And it’s also a useful tool to help us understand how we perceive organizational culture.

For example, is your culture focused on the past, and tradition - or the future, and innovation? Is it oriented toward structure and schedules, or responding to rapid change?

While organizations need to be able to do all these things, there is always a tension between these polarities. How does your organization balance these competing priorities? How versatile or adaptable is your culture?

Whatever the orientation, it’s usually simply the status quo, and not examined or considered. One reason we’re not aware of these tensions and polarities is because we don’t have a map that shows us how to understand them.

That’s where the PRISM-OCEAN framework comes in. It’s the first tool to make Big Five personality easy and accessible for everyone.

While it’s possible to collect hard survey data of this type about an organization, it’s not necessary. You can start by simply using PRISM-OCEAN as a tool for observation and understanding. It provides a conversation starter, or a deep dive, into talking about your organizational culture.

This session will teach you the basics of the model and the key ideas. It applies to both individuals and groups.

After this webinar, you'll be able to:

- Learn your own Big Five personality traits.

- Share the free personality assessment with other members of your organization to build shared understanding.

- Access an outline and conversation guide to begin exploring your organization's Big Five personality and culture.

Get Started

Presenter Bio

John is a speaker and author in career planning, having co-written books for the best-selling What Color is Your Parachute series. He holds a Masters degree in Adult Continuing Education. His life's work focuses on adult learning across the lifespan, with a focus on Human Resource Development. Over the last 10 years he created the first human-centered, strengths-based framework for Big Five personality. You may have seen him in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today and other publications. He's spoken at many national conferences - encompassing career development, human resources, financial planning and more.