
Resilient leaders are grounded in purpose and are quick to make decisions. They lead with more focus, creativity, and empathy. Would you consider yourself a resilient leader?

Every day, we are immersed in complex, uncertain work environments. This, along with the accelerated pace of change is contributing to higher rates of leadership burnout. As leaders, we address challenges, risks and opportunities and as soon as we pick our heads up, another complex problem awaits. How can we create agile organizations if we are not investing in ourselves and our leaders' ability to skillfully respond and adapt?

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to create more resilience, allowing you to lead with greater focus and ease. Understand why self-awareness is crucial to leading yourself and others and how self-regulation can become your new super power.

In this workshop, you will...

1. Understand the impact of chronic stress; how it affects body and mind and your ability to lead effectively.

2. Apply tools from behavioral science and neuroscience to improve self-awareness, allowing you to lead with greater intention and purpose.

3. Learn to strengthen your resilience to improve your ability to lead through change and uncertainty and enhance your sense of well-being

Get Started

Workshop Instructor

Jennifer Anderson, MS, is an expert on leadership and change. Leveraging a unique combination of organizational behavior, neuroscience, change leadership practices, and agile frameworks, Jennifer specializes in developing resilient leaders and teams. She is a leadership coach, strategic change practitioner, and IAYT-certified yoga therapist. Jennifer is a Senior Advisor at FarWell, CEO of Mind Groove, LLC and Owner of Resilience, LLC. Jennifer frequently writes and speaks on topics relevant to conscious leadership, culture, and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions


How long do I have access to the workshop?

How does unlimited access sound? After signing in with a user account and purchasing the workshop, you will have unlimited access across any and all devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the workshop?

If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us within the first 14 days and we will provide a full refund.

Can I receive a Certificate of Completion when I finish workshop?

Yes, there is a digital Certificate of Completion that is automatically issued when you complete the workshop. You can download and/or share the certificate to verify you completed the online workshop course.

Outside of the Learning Center, how else can I learn and grow through CultureCon?

Visit our homepage to see what CultureCon experiences can do for you.